CBKK (Celo de Bonstato Kaj Konservado – "purpose of well-being and conservation") was born from the ambition of transforming the production and consumption systems in Brazil and from the sense of urgency that the climate emergency imposes on us as part of humanity and of the corporate ecosystem.

We believe in our biodiversity potential and the union between the traditional peoples’ knowledge, the latest technological advancements and a wide experience in business management to, from the Brazilian knowledge and practices, generate gains for producers, consumers and the planet.

As venture builder, we develop services and solutions for disruptive business that implements sustainable practices with a positive socio-environmental impact. Whether in the Amazon or in coastal areas, we are driving a paradigm shift, integrating profitable production chains with innovative techniques, respect for the well-being of local communities and landscape conservation.


Esperanto was not designed to be anyone's first language, but everyone's second language. By respecting the original language of each people, Esperanto, besides inspiring our name, teaches us to respect and revere the uniqueness of each culture, each people and each producing community.

We believe it is possible to develop sustainable and economically viable management models, respecting, valuing and preserving the ancestral and traditional knowledge, as well as the intellectual properties and wishes of the communities that are part of our business.

The BKK Institute (Bonfarto Kaj Konservado) was designed as a creation, organization and knowledge production hub, which gathers professionals recognized for their experience in the scientific and business areas. Many of the ideas that help us overcome the economic resignification challenges are born and developed at BKK.

To invite consumers to participate in this disruption journey, we have also created the Ekosfera, a global brand that gathers our businesses and gives credibility to its way of acting through Traceability via blockchain technology. In the spirit of radical transparency, the Ekosfera not only attests our investees’ conformity with CBKK’s values, but also tells the story of its products while neutralizes consumers' carbon footprint. We, therefore, bring together those who produce and those who consume, strengthening the purpose of all parts of the production chain.

areas of interest

From an essentially sustainable and humane approach, we aim to act in the following production chains:


Restoration and Conservation

Coffee, Cocoa and Cupuaçu

Beauty and Personal Care



Fishing and Aquaculture









our team

We believe that no organization is better than its people. Therefore, we have formed a team of professionals aligned with our purpose, who care for the corporate integrity and aims to contribute for our businesses to become concrete examples of our pillars.

Stefano Arnhold

Stefano Arnhold

Fundador & Presidente do Conselho
Chief Disruption Officer

Mirella Arnhold

Co-Fundadora & Chief of Purpose
Integration Agent

Marcelo Tucci

Agente da Transformação

Claudia Davis

Relações Internacionais
Guardiã dos Povos da Floresta

Roberto Favero

Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias
Innovation Driver

Carlos Yamada

Carlos Yamada

Guardian of Integrity

Denise Souza

Ecosystems Guardian


Guardiã das Conexões do Cacau Nativo

Eduardo Moura

Eduardo Moura

Board Member
Disruption Strategist

Igor Nishimura

Igor Nishimura

Board Member

Our home

The Ekosfera Home is the physical space of CBKK S/A. Office, meeting place, living room and creative studio. All environments were designed to be multipurpose and diverse, promoting the integration of ideas, people, brands and companies.

The appreciation of the Brazilian design and of the Brazilian people’s knowledge is featured in the Ekosfera Home, which has a collection of books, canvases, furniture and utensils that allude to popular and erudite culture, the local and the global, the city and the forest, transforming the corporate room into a cozy and sophisticated creators' home. Every detail expresses important concepts for CBKK, such as the reuse and material recycling, appreciation of the Brazilian roots and significance of the Brazilian design as an expression of our ”savoir-faire”, creating a space for innovation and plurality.

The science is clear: we are experiencing a climate emergency. However, with bold and immediate transformations, we can avoid the most dramatic consequences and guarantee a secure future. At CBKK we are committed to promoting 120 disruptive businesses, attuned to the necessary changes, and the caminho até 2035 it's the window of time we have to get there. This clock symbolizes our countdown, counting the days, hours, minutes and seconds towards our goal.

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